Sunday 16 March 2014

Unit X - Week 3

Double cloth developments.

This week has once again been spent in the weave room, developing ideas and colour pallettes. I have created my next warp, using imagery from the last unit that i felt still had some life in them. The idea of shapes overlapping and sitting next to one another led me to use an image, taken myself, in the spinningfields areas of Manchester.

The buildings within the image appear to be sat on top of one another, with the start and finish of each one unclear to see upon initial viewing. With this in mind, i opted to design for a thick double cloth warp. Top cloth of even black and white stripes, with the base cloth a combination of blues, beiges, whites and soft yellows. The idea is to create an ordered, structured cloth that has hidden areas of detail. The top cloth with provide a setting for my optical art to be shown on.

As you can see above, the two cloths fit together at 1 inch intervals, meaning each white and black section of the top cloth have a corresponding section underneath. I have designed this cloth with my target audience in mind, keen to keep the optical elements in tow, i have used colours that i feel can work together with the strong black and white without being too overbearing for the home interiors market.

Above shows different variations of the finished cloth. These show how the cloth work would if the top and bottom were to not be interchanged, I plan to randomise each sample and incorporate up to four different changes in each one.

I have begun to experiment on Photoshop to see what effects could be created, taking inspiration from previous warps and also research undertaken. The edits below show how order, repetition and randomisation could alter the look of the cloth. So far it appears that the more ordered, repeated edits work best, as they best replicate my sourced photographs and overarching concept of shape and structure.

With this being said, it will be this approach that I will be taking when I begin to weave the cloth.

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